birthday trip?
I am unsure whether to do this or not on my birthday:
The decision to become a foster or adoptive parent is an important one. Kansas Children’s Service League currently offers a one-time orientation session throughout various communities in Kansas. The next orientation session in your area will be:
Thursday, March 2, 2006 at 6:00p
Kansas Children’s Service League
Topeka, Ks
You will require the support of friends and family members throughout this process. For this reason, we encourage you to bring any people upon whom you rely for support. Feel free to bring your children, parents, friends, members of your church family, or neighbors…anyone who will be helpful to you as you make this important decision.
Again, thank you for considering your home for a child needing a family. Please continually tell us how we can help you in this journey.
I think it would be a good idea to get more information, but not sure if I'm emotionally up for this right now.
We have decided not to attend. please see today's post of mine!
happy birthday!
there's a card headed your way.
cool! thanks! i sent you an email!
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